
Group 5: Van Helsing

This is a space for the group to share ideas and discuss their group project and presentation.  Members of Group 5 should post here between 3/8 and 3/23 to share links, ideas, and information about Van Helsing.  

(Image from vulcanstev.wordpress.com)


  1. Hey guys,

    I found the whole movie online. You just have to endure a short 30 second advertisement in the beginning!


  2. I haven't got an e-mail yet from anyone, please e-mail me at jkwatkin@purdue.edu. I'm glad you found the movie online. Another scene to consider is where the monk finds the hidden picture in the wall that reveals the legend of the werewolf and the vampire are suppose to fight. If anyone else comes up with another scene let me know.

  3. Hey guys i have not been able to watch the movie yet because i just got home! But, I will watch it tonight and let you know my ideas for the scenes..

  4. wowww okay just got done watching it! Soooo great! I had no idea what a good movie that was going to be! very suspenseful! But, I agree, the scenes that incorporate the most vampire legends is the mirror scene at the party. I also agree that the legend of the fight between vampire and werewolf is really interesting! WHen should we first meet to start this project?!

  5. I can meet today any time if anyone else can. Tomorrow I am free after class up until 2pm.

  6. Hey guys, sorry I haven't been able to post again until now. I didn't have access to the Internet! I agree Kaitlin, the movie was so much better than I had anticipated. I believe that the masquerade ball scene reveals a lot about vampire legends. For example, Dracula's control over women and not having a reflection.

    I can't meet after class tomorrow because I have three more classes one after another. I can meet anytime after 1:30. How does everyone's Tuesday look? I can meet anytime before 3:00 or after 4:15.

  7. Hey everyone, sorry it took me so long to comment, I also have been away from internet access all week! I can meet anytime Monday after 4. On Tuesday I can meet between 11:45 and 4, or after 8:30pm.

  8. The Powerpoint looks great so far!

    I embedded the youtube video into the presentation. I will send it out in an email.

  9. tuesday i have class from 10:30-11:20 and then a short break till 1:30. but then my 1:30 goes to about 4... so any time after that.. but before 6:45. lol i have a volleyball game.. Wednesdays i am not free till after 7. thursday i am free all day long... so that is the best day.. but mainly i am free at night... sorry if this was confusing! just trying to give you every detail possible lol

  10. Maybe we could meet a few minutes before class on Wed?

  11. That works for me! I'll be there a little bit early.

  12. Hey Guys!

    Ok, well I think we need to divide up the presentation. Here is what I was thinking

    Jennifer, since she's seen the movie the most, could start off the presentation by giving the background information of the movie. (Summary/Plot, Legend, etc)

    I added another slide that highlights the differences between the traditional aspects/views of vampires and the ones that are shown in the movie. I plan on discussing this slide and then introducing the scene.

    Katie and Kaitlin, you will then need to discuss the elements of the scene, the significance of the scene, and the impact of the scene/movie on the audience. You could also talk about other choices the movie made and the effects these had. You could talk about items such as costume choices, the setting, lighting, etc.

    Anyway, these are just suggestions. Please let me know what you think!

  13. okay katie so which aspects that we were given would you like to focus on? I could talk about the other choices the movie made, such as costume choices, setting, lighting,etc. ! just let me know what you think!

  14. Hey guys, I sent out an email with the PowerPoint presentation this morning. Please let me know what you think as soon as you can.

  15. The new slide looks great, Kaitlin! : )

    I still haven't heard back from you, Jennifer and Katie. I would like to get your input. We still have lots of things to discuss before tomorrow!

  16. oh, and I also think that it would be better if we played the scene when it doesn't have music added like the youtube version. I have the video on my amazon account, and so I can just pull up the scene on that, if that's ok with you guys.

  17. I think that will work for me. I can introduce the movie and give the background information on the movie.

  18. Ok, the final version of the PowerPoint has been sent out. If you want to make any more changes, then I will be up for a few more hours, so just email me.

    Just to make sure that we're completely clear:

    Jennifer is covering slide 2
    I am covering slides 3 and 4 (I will then show the scene)
    Katie is covering slide 5
    Kaitlin is covering slide 6

    If everyone comes prepared, I think we will have a successful presentation!
