
Ideal Landscapes

Thomas Cole Romantic Landscape with Ruined Tower (1836)
(Image from: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Cole_Thomas_Romantic_Landscape_with_Ruined_Tower_1832-36.jpg)

In class today we discussed ideal landscapes, and what the landscape paintings of the Romantic and Neoclassical periods tell us about the differing views on beauty and nature people held.  What is your ideal landscape?  What about this place and the emotions it inspires make it so special?  Based on what you know about Neoclassical ideal beauty and the Romantic sublime, what aspect of this landscape "fill your mind with agreeable kind of horror" (to borrow Joseph Addison's phrasing) or has "the capacity to instill feelings of intense emotion" (to paraphrase Edmund Burke)?  Pictures please! (If it is not a picture you took yourself, please be sure to responsibly attribute the image.)


  1. Lake Bled, Slovenia



  2. My ideal landscape is a waterfall in the sunset. I could not find a picture of this that I liked so I picked two pictures, my ideal sunset and my ideal waterfall.

    -from http://www.maurabrennan.com

    I like this picture because I think the water flowing over the rocks adds chaos to the calm of the waterfall. I think waterfalls are special because they are an irregularity in the land which we don't see everyday.

    -from http://polyland.calpoly.edu

    I like when the sky is different colors while the sun is setting. I think it is very peaceful, calm and interesting.

  3. http://farm1.static.flickr.com/159/331701395_2b30f45ad3.jpg

    My picture is taken from the view from Morella, Spain. I love this landscape because you can look out and see so much. I love the orange colored rooves, and all the clouds and rolling hills. I especially love this town because it's so small and old and it feels like you are away from everything and it's just really peaceful. It also "instills an intense emotion" of calmness. You feel isolated and it's really quiet because there are not many people living there.

  4. http://th06.deviantart.net/fs40/300W/i/2009/047/0/f/Winter_Forest_BG_by_Kuoma_stock.jpg

    My idea of a romantic landscape would be a simple forest with lots of snow covering it. I think it's really a beautiful sight to see. I would say the agreeable kind of horror in this type of a landscape would be because of how cold it really is but yet your eyes are seeing the beauty of the snow covering everything. Or the idea of not being able to see too far into the distance because everything looks white so it leaves a suspense of what will come next. In the winter time i enjoy driving through my neighborhood because there are arching trees over the road and they look really nice when covered with snow.

  5. Image from:


    This is a picture of the Grand Teton Mountains and the Snake River in Wyoming. I love this image because I was born in Colorado and mountains feel like home to me. Looking at mountains always makes me feel peaceful, safe, and at ease. It is really simple in the mountains and not hectic like it is in an urban area, therefore you feel more relaxed. The optimist side of me believes that the sun is rising in this picture, and it looks like a celebration of a new day.

  6. Luke, that's really cool.

    This is my ideal landscape

    Roatan, Honduras:


  7. I found so many beautiful pictures of Transylvania that it was hard to choose between them. At least I narrowed it down to three.

    An interior view.

    An exterior view.

    And might this be where Mina and Dr. Van Helsing laid in wait for the wagon carrying Dracula in his box to approach?

  8. My first one is of a beach with perfect white sand, very few people, some palm trees and the ocean in front of me that has just a few soft waves and that water is a beautiful blue/aqua color.


    The other one is from Telluride Colorado where I have been skiing a few times. I love when the sky is bright blue, the mountains are covered with snow and it just looks beautiful. I would like to have shown a picture I took myself, but I didn't know how to post one on here.


  9. This is a picture of a winery from Michigan. I feel like this picture really embodies the crisp air and colors the wineries produce.



  10. I really like the beauty of Ladakh which is a place in North India situated between the Kunlun mountain range in the north and the main Great Himalayas to the south. I went to Leh-Ladakh about 10 years back. It has high mountains, clear skies and serene lakes which is the reason why I fell in love with the place.


  11. http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2018603&id=1167690159#!/photo.php?pid=30302005&id=1167690159

    This is a picture I took on my trip to South Dakota. It is of Pactola Lake or Reservoir and it is my ideal landscape. This place just is so tranquil and calm that its impossible not to feel comfortable and relaxed. The area is surrounded by rocks and trees and it creates a beautiful setting.

  12. http://home.earthlink.net/~kathyhoward/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/nightview.jpg

    this ws the best picture i could find! I surf and play soccer so it is my ideal location!

  13. http://www.art.com/products/p11785344-sa-i1422376/claude-monet-haystacks-pink-and-blue-impressions-1891.htm?sorig=cat&sorigid=0&dimvals=5000043&ui=1bdb5e1250a949d4a3d377bc4812b399

    I feel that this picture barely does the piece justice. I had a hard time finding a website that had a clear picture. You need to either have a copy or see it in its true size to be able to see the wonderful colors in the work. This piece if actually part of a grainstack series which sounds quite boring. But Monet waited for the perfect moment, till the light was just where he wanted it to be. My favorite of the series are sunsets and sunrises. The light is so beautiful. It is as if he catches what our eyes miss, all the colors that make up what we see. It seems to bright and peaceful. Like I want to lay on the haystack and watch the sunset and fall asleep. It reminds me of early summer mornings, birds chirping and the sun shining brightly on the lawn, its not quite hot out yet, and everything is still peaceful. Most of his work uses a range of colors to make up one object. The haystack isn't just plain old brown, but green, black, blue, pink, purple, and more. It makes it look so airy and soft.

  14. I obviously couldn't pick just one picture, but these are three different examples of the beautiful landscapes to be seen on the White River in Calico Rock, Arkansas. My family has gone on trout fishing trips there ever since I could remember. I have hundreds of pictures at home better than these but don't have them here. We stay in a house on a huge bluff which is a lot like the one you can see in the second one! I have two views from the water looking up at the bluffs and one from the bluff looking down at the water. What is special about this place to me is that the natural beauty is so breathtaking. The bluffs are just incredible. Seeing them in person makes you feel so tiny. And being on top of the bluff looking down at the river is the most gorgeous thing I have ever seen, it never ceases to amaze me. Enjoy :)

    *This is a lot like the view we have from the house.

    *This is looking up at the bluff. The house we stay in is actually right on the left of the water tower you see in the picture, but I thought it was cool how close it is.

    *This is a gorgeous view of one of the bluffs from the river.

  15. Since it's almost summer, I decided to abandon my moon view and change it to the most gorgeous landscapes about lavenders.

    Hokkaid, in Japan
    http://travel.ce.cn/news/cyzx/200805/31/W020080601490026146729.jpg (hokkaid lavender land)
    http://img1.gootrip.com/gootrip/_20upload/mdd/2007-12-25/60260_dongjibeihaidao.jpg (hokkaid in winter)

    I first know about this beautiful place from my friend who is really fund of Japan culture. But my first view of this place was from a movie, a romantic movie. The guy was with the girl he likes to travel around in Hokkaid, and visit all the churches to help her to forgive herself and move on to new life.

    And the second place was also first introduced by my friend who read this book called "TOUJOURS PROVENCE." I always fantasy Europe, and this little town is really peaceful place where I expect wonders happen.


  16. http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.gabriele-stiftung.de/images/landschaft_felder_huegel.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.gabriele-stiftung.de/en/gabriele-stiftung-entstehung-kulturlandschaft.html&usg=__FChXF1pzJDz43JcRI277ZvA9wjU=&h=384&w=480&sz=18&hl=en&start=4&sig2=nrPDra_MQlzthYb0ENfsYg&itbs=1&tbnid=kZmQ8rxOWdLl9M:&tbnh=103&tbnw=129&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dhilly%2Blandscape%26hl%3Den%26gbv%3D2%26tbs%3Disch:1&ei=cEjDS7T-FqboswPRibCIDw

    My ideal landscape is a land with tons of hills, bright green grass, little civilization, and nothing but open territory to run amuck and roll down the hills. With the land being so open you really feel connected to the earth and you have endless amount of space to roam and be essentially free. Free of people, communication, responsibilities, technology, worries, burdens, and so forth. I just want to be literally free. To me this landscape is territory which can be explored and it would be possible to discover new areas all the time for the pleasure of relaxation. It would also help you to discover who you are without technology telling you what you are supposed to be or supposed to look like every two seconds. The landscape represents endless possibilities for joy to me.

  17. http://www.astoria7hotel.com/images/donostia.jpg

    I couldn't find a picture of the cozy little homes in Maine haha so I changed my ideal landscape to something more beautiful. This is where I spent my summer, Donosti San-Sabastian Spain

  18. This is where we vacation every year...

    St. Germain, WI on Little St. Germain Lake


    However, my ideal landscape is anywhere with the people I love!


    I'm lame

  19. http://www.bridalbuds.com/wp-content/uploads/castlehill011.jpg

    This is from Newport, RI. I love sailing and the ocean and this is a hotel that you can stay in. The view is of Newport bay and marina as well as the Atlantic ocean.


    This picture is from the place where my lake house is. This lake is a spring feed lake so it is extremely clear, in fact it is one of the cleanest lakes in North America. This is a picture also of the golf course it is so peaceful you feel as though it is all yours.

  20. http://anastasiamariephotography.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/ChicagoSkyline.jpg

    I could stare at the Chicago skyline all night long. Every time I go there, I find myself entranced with its beauty and it never gets old. I want to move there as soon as I graduate. This is my ideal landscape because it represents home. I have lived by Chicago my whole life and just seeing its familiar skyline brings me comfort. I also look at it and see endless memories of all the fun times I have had there, and all the fun memories to come.
    When you grow up in the region, there are not many beautiful things to look at. Yet, when I look at the Chicago skyline I feel lucky to live where I do. The lights of the buildings represent the chaos of the business world. However, from faraway it looks so peaceful and calm. I think life needs both chaos and peace to be exciting!

  21. My Photo:


    This picture sums up to me how beautiful and amazing Central Park is in New York City. I chose this picture because you can see the beauty of Central Park, but you can also see the beautiful buildings and lights. New York City is amazing especially Central Park. It is absolutley huge, you can walk around for hours and be amazed by how beautiful it is.

    It is like time stops when I look at this picture and it does remind me of home. I am not actually from New York City but I live 20 minutes away. This picture represents happy moments that I have had in Central Park and it also reassures me that I don't think I can ever love another city as much as I love New York.When I get homesick I look at this picture and it makes everything better.

  22. I couldn't find just one picture that did my ideal landscape justice. I selcted a couple that when put together grasp the overall theme.
    This first picture below is the downtown historic view of Wenatchee, WA.

    This photo is located on the outskirts of the valley. I love the mass amount of colors and serene feeling you get from being in this part. For me, the rest of the world fades away and this landscape presents a calming feeling of being alone but safe in your surroundings.

  23. Chicago Skyline:


    I love this picture. The Chicago skyline represents so much to me. I love my city and I would never trade it for anything in the world. I really like all the lights, because even when its pitch black outside, these lights will light up the sky for miles.

    When you look at this picture, you know what it is/where it is even if you've never been there. You notice the Sears Tower and diamond shaped building and immediately know that it's Chicago. Thats something unique that we have along with a few other cities.

    Every time I see this photo it reminds me of home but most importantly my family. For me it's important to never forget my roots and how I was raised and the city itself played a role in molding me into the person that I am today.

  24. When I thought about my ideal landscape, I first thought to use a picture of a beach, mountains,or something else that normally catches my eye. However, we have learned that the romantic style doesn't just mean two people in love or similar emotions. My ideal landscapes are things that make me happy and remind me of all the good times I've had at that particular place. That's why my first landscape is US Cellular Field.(Home of the Chicago Whitesox) Some of the most memorable moments of my life came here whether it was learning the game of baseball from my dad or just having a good time with my friends. Every time I drive home from Purdue I pass it on the highway and it lets me know that I'm home. Aside from that, I nearly get in an accident every time I drive past because for some reason I just can't stop staring at it!


  25. My favorite place is in Santiago, Chile. It is high up above the city that it has this incredible view of all of Santiago. It is up on mountains so you still get that outdoorsy feeling even though you are in the middle of this GIANT city! You have to take a tram up and down to get to it which adds to the whole effect. I would have loved to see the sun rise or go down from this view, but I won't be picky.
    Another reason why it means a lot to me is because I think about how I was lucky enough to even visit Chile before the earthquake. I know Santiago wasn't as affected as some of other areas, but to know that I was able to see a country in its beauty before all the ciaos is unreal. This is almost like how the "unreal horror" ties into it all.
    I also realize how lucky I am to study abroad, I absolutely LOVE traveling. It's my passion. This was my first trip abroad and alone, so it was a big deal for me. Not to mention it was a trip I will never forget.
    picture one
    picture two

    So I have about a million favorite pictures that I narrowed down to three! :)

    This is my last one and it's in Argentina in front of Falls that are larger then Niagara falls, such a surreal experience.

    Picture three:


    Okay, the end!

  26. My landscape would be a beach, I just loving being my the ocean. I feel stress and I loving the feeling of having nothing to do or nothing on my mind.

    I would say the ocean has some horror, because it is so unknown. People walking/falling into the ocean and disappear forever. Many love stories all so have been written about men going of to sea and never returning.


  27. This painting is by Albert Bierstadt, titled Bridal Veil Falls, Yosemite, 1871-73. This painting is very similar to the waterfall that I climbed when I was a kid and at the top of the falls you could see the landscape below.

  28. My ideal landscape would be Luzern, Switzerland. I love the Swiss Alps and the history of the town. http://www.freefoto.com/images/1303/01/1303_01_2---Chapel-Bridge--Lucerne--Switzerland-The-Kapellbruecke--Luzern--Die-Schweiz_web.jpg

  29. Please forgive the lateness. I was having some legit computer problems.

    My favorite landscapes are a little different than most. I grew up with a lot of western stories read to me by my father and when I visited the Badlands I was overcome with a sense of history. It was as if I could see all of those stories about the Sackett's other cowboys. I could almost feel the Lonesome God's of the lost people that once inhabited the land. Those were Louis L’Amour references if you didn’t understand. L’Amour wrote westerns and other novels as well. He was one of the best, and I love his stories.


    This is a link to a “cowboys in the badlands” painting.

    Tomorrow I will also bring some pictures that I took when I was in Italy. I went for a trip when I was 12 so some of the pictures are low quality. I’ll bring the ones are more nature based. They don’t do justice to the real thing, but being on Mount Vesuvius was awesome.
