
Group 2: Interview with a Vampire

This is a space for the group to share ideas and discuss their group project and presentation.  Members of Group 2 should post here between 3/8 and 3/23 to share links, ideas, and information about Interview with a Vampire. (image from starblogs.net)


  1. hey guys!

    I found the movie at this website..


    you can watch the full thing not in parts.. when you click the play button the first time an advertisement pops up in a new window but just close that out and hit play again and it should work or at least it did for me.. enjoy :]

  2. Awesome thanks, I think I will start watching it tonight!

  3. I finished watching the movie yesterday, it was really good, I wish it was longer it seemed to end abruptly. I really enjoyed it though. There are so many good scenes to pick from.

  4. hey guys! watched the movie last night. Even though it's my second time watching it, I still got confused :) There are many good scenes to choose from! I thought one of the scenes where Louie (Brad Pitt) refuses to eat human blood because he doesn't want to kill humans would be a good choice, but I also liked that scenes when Claudia (Kristen Dunst) is turned into a vampire and then Lestat (Tom Cruise) teaches her how to feed. There are so many other scenes I feel would be great! What did you guys think?

  5. I haven't watched it yet I plan to this Saturday but I'll keep an eye out for those scenes!

  6. hey guys!

    So I watched the movie last night, and I definitely agree with kimberly about the scenes she chose, I think those are really important. I think another important scene might be when Louis and Claudia are watching the play in Paris and as the actors are undressing and about to kill the woman on stage, Louis calls them monsters and is disgusted by them. I think this is important because it just shows how much he is going against his own nature even long after his transformation.

    I also liked the next to last scene alot at the end of the interview and the guy giving the interview wants Louis to turn him into a vampire because he wants to see what it's like. Louis gets really mad and scares the guy away, but Lestat ends up finding him and although it's not shown it's pretty safe to say that the guy will end up being a vampire. I just thought this was interesting because again it showed Louis hating the idea of being a vampire and not wanting anyone else to have to go through what he has. I just find it very odd that he can have such compassion as a vampire. I read on the wikipedia article about the movie that the vampire Armand (Antonio Banderas) "reveals that Louis is a unique vampire as he possesses a human soul and is connected to the 'broken-hearted' spirit of the 19th Century." So I'm not sure if that is his special gift like Lestat can read minds or if it is just something that happened to him.

    I also took note of some of the characteristics of the vampires in this movie just as a point of comparison for us..
    --White, cold skin
    --sleep in coffins
    --can't be in the sun
    --Stake in the heart/crucifixes are "nonsense"
    --move super fast
    --they can fly
    --the transformation is painful
    --can survive off of animal blood
    --each vampire has a special gift, like Lestat's mind reading, that grows with age
    --Can't drink a dead person's blood
    --Can't kill one of your own kind

    I'm probably going to watch it again soon so if I notice anything else I'll write it on here later!

  7. yeah kimmy, the first one you said was definitely one that stood out to me. I really think that one would work. Sorry it's taken me so long to say anything...im in Laguna!! wooo :) ok, anyways, I'll for sure watch it again when I get back and actually work on it so no worries on my part

  8. I agree with Sloane, I think that's a great scene to do. I watched it a couple days ago, but I'm going to watch it again tonight. I really like what Christie did with taking note of the characteristics, so I'll do that the second time I watch it and put up what I noticed.

  9. Hey, I definitely agree with what everyone has been saying. Those are both good scenes. I also have been looking at how they describe vampires and some of the myths they talk about that do and don't work again them. I think this will be easy enough for us to all put together.

  10. So I definitely agree that Louis not wanting to drink the human blood stood out alot as a great scene but what about it are we going to talk about that makes it so important? He clearly has will power that vampires aren't supposed to have and he can control his instincts. But he also loses control of them too like when he drinks Claudia's blood, so we can't claim that he has complete control and just goes against being a vampire completely. Would we want to compare that to Nosferatu in the scene where Dracula is drinking Nina's blood and ends up being turned into smoke because he has no way to fight his desires/instincts?

  11. Sorry I have been out of touch Group 2, Let me know what I need to do. I read the blog and everything sounds great to me. When are we meeting?

  12. I think we should probably just talk about when we're going to meet in class tomorrow just because it would take forever to figure it out on here haha

  13. hey guys! sorry I've been out of touch I just got back from spring break and I am just trying to get back into school mode. ha. I think that tomorrow we should discuss specifics or figure out a time to meet. I also wanted to mention that I have discussed this movie with many people and we all agreed that interview with a vampire was the movie that changed the view of the vampire into a romantic or sexy character rather than evil. I thought that was interesting and that we could maybe discuss this in our presentation.

  14. I can't say I've seen very many vampire movies (except twilight ha) but that would be interesting to discuss that point if it was in fact the first movie to do that because that would be a huge change and obviously pave the way for movies like Twilight which also portray vampires in a more romantic way.

  15. Alright, my list is looking like this (sorry for the long delay):

    -Vampires all veiny
    -Vampires are not human
    -Vampires live long lives/are immortal
    -Brad Pitt’s character speaks quietly
    -Vampires can move too quickly to see
    -Pale skin
    -Sharp canine teeth
    -Drink blood from neck
    -Cannot stay in sun
    -Do not become vampires simply by being bitten. Must bite a vampire
    -Crucifixes/stakes are nonsense
    -Sleep in coffins
    -Killed people to feed
    -Each has a dark gift
    -Cannot drink dead blood
    -Walk on walls/ceilings

  16. So I think the scene that Kimmy is referring to, or at least the one I'm thinking of, is the instance where Louis and Lestat are at Lestat's manner sitting at the dinner table and the servant lady comes to the table and Lestat is urging him to drink her blood but then he refuses to and I believe he just pretends like he is going to eat the food or drink the rat blood or something. But then later when he is alone with her he ends up killing her and then tries to kill himself by setting the house on fire. Is that the scene you're talking about? Because I know there are multiple instances where Louis doesn't want to drink human blood.

  17. I like the blood scene that Christie is referring to because vampires equal blood so I think will will have a lot of material. I also liked when Dustin mentioned the quiet voice. I think this is something to bring up. The voice is almost soothing, makes you want to trust somebody.

  18. Sorry this is late, I got out of work late and my roomie has been sick, we so have been taking care of her. But I agree there are a lot of scenes where Louis doesn't want to take a life or drink human blood.After he killed Claudia he couldn't bring himself to at least save her in some way and turn her into a vampire. It's almost like he wants to prove that he still has some of his human qualities and that he isn't a monster.He goes against the old myths that make vampires look like Dracula in Nosferatu where they are really creepy and are no longer capable in thinking like a human being. I like what Christie brought up about comparing it to Nosferatu and how his bloodlust was in the end his downfall. I also like what Kimberly said about how this movie made vampires into a seductive idea instead of a creepy and scary one.

  19. I was actually talking about the scene where Lestat brings home the hookers and Louis refuses to finish killing her because he doesn't want to kill anyone. However, both scenes would be perfect, so it doesn't matter. I really like how you guys did the characteristics thing, that will be very important to talk about.

  20. I don't know if you guys will look at this or not. But I know were were supposed to be meeting at 430. But i cant find anyone, if you happen to look her my number is 219-789-0118.

  21. I thought we were supposed to meet at 5:30 at Matthews and I am here and can't find anyone. If someone sees this call me at 765 585 0791

  22. Alright guys, the stuff that Christie wrote is here, and it's pretty much gonna go straight into the Powerpoint. If you have anything to add or change, though, let me know.

  23. Hey I just thought I should remind you that we should probably have a slide "orienting the audience to the film" since we skipped that part in our meeting. And after you make the PowerPoint can you let us know who is doing which slide cause it didn't seemed like anyone cared but it would probably help if we knew what slide/s we were doing beforehand. Thanks!

  24. Yeah, no problem. It'll be done in like, 20 seconds. I'll send it out as an email to you guys.
