
Group 4: Blade: Trinity

This is a space for the group to share ideas and discuss their group project and presentation.  Members of Group 4 should post here between 3/8 and 3/23 to share links, ideas, and information about Blade: Trinity.  

(Image from traileraddict.com)


  1. i think the fact that the vampires had to resort to using their patriarch shows how much fear they have for Blade

  2. I'm getting really excited to watch this! Should I just rent this or have any of you downloaded it? If not, its okay, I can rent it.

  3. I've download it :) And I will bring it to class tmr~~~

  4. I am watching it today. After I am finished I will post what scenes I think are most signifucant and then you guys can do the same. I am totally pumped about this assignemt. It is a whole lot cooler than most work I have to do.

  5. I think some significant parts are when Blade and Dracula are both on the building talking in daylight, the factory of bodies for feeding shows their sophistication, and when Whistler shows up in the NightStalkers quarters and the audience knows that it can't really be whistler. Another important fact about this Dracula is his other name Drake and the fact that he can morph into human forms and not animal forms. Just let me know what you guys think stands out and what scens are important. These are just suggestion and I wanted to see what u guys think.

  6. also the vampire dog is unique and the way we see Dracula in the tomb is not normally what we get in movies.

  7. I am going to Florida for Spring Break so I will not be able to blog until I get back. I will be back on Friday and I will check the blog then. Then maybe by then you will ahve read my other posts.

  8. Hey everyone, I'm sorry about the missing blog posts. My computer broke so I am on limited access to the internet. I just finished watching the movie and I agree with Kala about the factory of bodies, it shows how modernized the vampires are and how different their are compared to what people view vampires on how they act. I'm going to rewatch it and see if I can pick out some more scenes. That one just stuck out in my head the most.

  9. I've watch it twice. And Here are few things that I've noticed.

    1. At the beginning of the movie, the vampires didn't respect the sun. Before I watched this movie, I remembered that vampires were afraid of the sun. And later in Blade, the Dracula was like superior than the sun, therefore he could live under it. This movie kept the fundamental features of vampires, of transforming (Drake), fearing the daylight (normal vamps), fearing of garlics (normal vamps), etc. Also, Drake said that "you are nothing but shadows of your former selves."

    2. I agree with Kala, about the sophistication in this movie, that the vampire society has evolved. Instead of being alone as the most powerful vampire, Dracula (Drake) has his companies, not as useless as before, now they have their own factory and bio-tech to protect themselves. And the vampire dog added power for the vampires.

    3. Of all the technologies they used, I think the weapon that they used to kill vampires are less creative... it's a bit of cliche and violent, though I cant think of a better way...since I'm a vampire-lover

    4. At around 55:00, the conversation between Blade and Drake is very interesting, Drake mentioned Stoker. About Daywalkers, Drake never promised vampires to change them like himself, but he also mentioned honor and living with sword, which made vampires different with human. I think we can talk about the honor, but I'm not sure what the sword means. If we talk about this, we can find the similarity between Drake and Blade, since Drake thought Blade knew what is the honor and living with the sword. Blade also said that Dracula is not immortal, addressing other claims about vampires, but in the end he (or other vampire killers) will end them all. About Blade's sympathy to human, I think it's very interesting, since vampires have their weaknesses, and Blade too.

    3. Overall, I think it's a good vampire-killing movie, since they saved enough dignity for vampires.

  10. i am sorry that i have not posted in a while, i have been in new orleans and havent had access to a computer. i think that the scene with blade and drake is really significant too. it shows that dracula may have an equal and that blade too may have an equal because he has never seen a vamp in the daylight besides himself. i think that the use of the virus shows how todays culture is relying more heavily on technology as the weapon to combat evil. another thing that i have noticed is that dracula tells the crazy lady that he will make another crucifix for her. i think this is a huge change from the vampire culture, he knew Christ existed and recognized what he did and was not afraid to touch or see the crucifix. that was a major change.

  11. Luke, I'm very interested in the crucifix thing, would you please say more about it? :) Thank you very much~

  12. I thought about the last scene, it's significant because Drake and Blade are opposite of each other but to some extent, they are just like each other. Drake is the dark side of Blade, that's probably why Drake said that they both know the honor and living with the sword.

  13. After rewatching the film,I agree with Luke and the significance of the crucfix and I think that we should show that scene. Its very contradicting to what modern society thinks about vampires and Christ.

  14. We can show the scene with the crucifix that is fine with me. But I would like to point out how Drake tarnsforms into other people and the body warehouse. When do you guys want to meet to work on the powerpoint? I am free Monday after three or Tuesday after 4:15. Let me know guys.

  15. I work in the afternoon Monday til 7 and I'm in class until I have to go to work that day. Tuesday I am free from 4:15 until 6. Monday I will have access to a computer so if everyone wanted to meet Monday I can be reached easily by email or if you wanted me to put together the presentation I could do that. I just can't get out of my work.

  16. We could mention the body warehouse, maybe get a couple of picture stills and put them in the presentation as visual representation; that way they can see the scene rather just us talk about it.

  17. I'm free tmr, monday after 3pm, and tuesday after 4:15. :)

  18. Looks like most us can meet both days we can talk about it tomorrow.

  19. hi, sorry i haven't been contributing to the blog, I haven't been around much on spring break. Tuesday is going to be extremely difficult for me to meet. I'm in PMO (Purdue Musical Organizations) and we have a concert this week, in which we have loads of rehearsal to do, most of it being on Tuesday. Thus, I can't meet until after 9. Really sorry but I'm probably going to be the one who makes it hard to meet this week!!

    Monday I have an internship meet and greet from 7-9, which I have to go to, but I'm free before and after that.

    And I definitely like the idea of the crucifix scene!

  20. So, I was thinking. If we could all decide on who's analyzing what parts, and each come up with basically an outline of how we want to present it, I'd be happy to compile all the information together into a presentable format, along with contributing my own part as well. Would this work?

  21. so, we are meeting at 10:30am tmr at Matthew first floor, right?
    Jenny~ I will email you details about our discussion :) or I can post it here if that's ok ^_^

  22. I believe so. I will be there early at about 10:10 if anyone wants to start early.

  23. Crucifix Scene:

  24. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abigail_Whistler


    Jenny- we worked on an outline of the presentation. I am sending what we have in an email to you.

  25. Great! Let me know what needs to be done and I'd be happy to do it. Thank you!

  26. Here are some interesting website I found

    abt Dracula

    abt Van Helsing

    And in case we need to find the exact line for back-ups, here are some famous quote in the movie

  27. Do we have anywhere included in the powerpoint presentation about summarizing the movie? I know before this project I hadn't seen the movie, so I was thinking before we start our presentation maybe I could just give a summary and clue the class in on the movie.

  28. jenny you can give a summary that is fine with me. I e-mailed the presenatations some fo you e-mailed me back to let me know you got it and some of you did not. If yu did not get it please let me know and I can resend it. Here are the speaking parts;

    Katrina- 1st slide introduce us and what film we did and the third slide is yours to present

    Sylvia- You are doing 4 and 9

    Luke you are doing slides 6, 10 and 11

    Jenny you are doing summarization, and slides 5 and 7

    I am doing slides 2 and 8

    We are going to rock this!

  29. sounds good, i am also doing the scenes correct?
