
Group 3: The Little Vampire

This is a space for the group to share ideas and discuss their group project and presentation.  Members of Group 3 should post here between 3/8 and 3/23 to share links, ideas, and information about The Little Vampire.  

(image from impawards.com)


  1. Hey Guys,
    I just thought that you would like to know I found the movie on youtube, it is only 9 video segments.

  2. I found that too. It was a pretty quick watch. We just need to decide what scene we want to do. I wrote down a couple ideas. Though I'm thinking something about the amulet might be good because it is a different idea of what vampires are. I had never heard of them needing or using something like that. Otherwise, I had some other notes if that one seems like it wont work.

    Enjoy the movie!

  3. Ok so I watched it and I forgot how good it actually was lol, but i was actually thinking we could maybe talk about the seen where Rudolph is flying with him and telling him how they'd rather drink cow blood than human blood because they want to become human. I thought this idea was interesting only because of how Rudolph's father was treating him like he was nothing but yet he wanted to be a human i thought it was kind of strange.

    Another idea could be how the vampire just flew right into his room without being invited or how the vampire had a smell, we also could do the idea of the amulet!

  4. I agree with both of you. The idea about the amulet and the vampires wanting to become human is a good topic. It is really different compared to other vampire stories. We could also say something about that since it is a movie for children this part is added in to make it seem less scary. I don't know. What does everyone else think?

  5. I could go for either topic, it doesn't matter i think they are both good ideas so whatever everyone decides on I'm in!

  6. Could we just play it all together and explain that if they get the amulet, then they can become human. It will give us more to talk about if we have to compare both things.

    Thought I did really like the point that the boy was able to come into the boys room without being invited. That would be easy to compare to any other story. plus we might be able to play off that they boy might have wanted him to come in in a way without even realizing it.

  7. I as well agree that the idea of the vampires wanting to become human is very different than other vampire stories and think this would be a good point to bring up. And I also agree with Courtney that if we could play it all together/talk about all of that we would definitely have more to talk about?

    We should probably decide on the specific clip that we want to play relatively soon so that we can begin the work on it. Anyone know which part on youtube this part is in?

  8. Umm if we are doing the part where the amulet turns them into humans that would be in part 9 on youtube, but let me know what you think!

  9. I think that part would be good. How does everyone want to present? A powerpoint or some other method? And we also need to decide on the specific segment we want to focus on. It can be three minutes maximum. We could do the part before when they're trying to get the amulet to the vampire clan so they can make their wish or the part after when they actually become human or maybe even both. What do you guys think would be best?

  10. I think a powerpoint would be easiest for the presentation.

    As for the clip, wasnt there one when someone was explaining why they needed the amulet and what it did? Or did we want to do one like when they were on the hill making the wish and then have the person doing section 2 (See below) explain everything and just have our clip be more "fun."

  11. Also, I was thining everyone could do a section of the presentation from the assignment sheet. That was everything is covered? There may need to be two people on either section 1 or 3.

    1) Develop a working group definition of a "great" vampire film. Things to consider as you develop your definition: How does this film fit into the tradition of vampire stories and films? What conventional elements does the film utilize? How does this film work with and against these traditions to make something new? What moments in this film make it "great"? Does this film employ metafictional elements (breaking the 4th wall, play within an play/film within a film/ talking to the camera/ self-referential moments) to comment on and critique the vampire tradition?

    2) Orient your audience to the film. Tell us a bit about the original context of the film, and any elements of the filming or casting that you find significant. (Movie trivia is awesome, but avoid making it the bulk of your presentation. The focus should be on the scene you selected.)

    3) Evaluate the scene as a whole, discussing its significant for the film. Why is understanding this scene the key to the entire film? How does it fit into the film's underlying argument? What choices does the film make at the structural level? What effect do these larger choices have on you as a viewer?

    4) Evaluate several individual elements of the scene (costumes, sound, dialogue, staging, action, framing, lighting, shadows, etc.) How do these elements and the tiny choices the creators make impact meaning in small and large ways?

    Sorry its long, but we need to decide stuff hopefully by tonight (monday) so we can work and have the powerpoint together by tomorrow night.

  12. I agree with Courtney that we should split up the work. It would probably be easiest this way. I can do #4 (listed in courtney's post) if thats okay with everyone.

    And good point there was that section describing the amulet. I think either scene would work because they both are significant and related. Which one do we want to do?

    Also do we want to meet as a group to put the powerpoint together or are we just going to email it to one person and then present our individual slides in class?

  13. I'll do section 2. It will most likely just be a summary of the movie and i'll see if I can find anything interesting about the movie, but I'm not expecting to find much.

    It would probably be good if we could meet, but I don't know if its necessary. It might be good for everyone to know what the other people are talking about so that nothing is repeated too much. Sometime Tuesday afternoon/night?

  14. It would be best for me if we could meet in the evening or at night. I have class almost straight through tomorrow. My last class ends at 5:20 so I can meet any time after that.

  15. Which part specifically are we doing? Are we doing the part at the end in part 9 or the earlier part? And we need to decide on a specific few minutes?

  16. I'll do section 3. I think we could youtube video 9, at the minute 5:35 to about 8:50, we could skip the slow part in the middle of 6:55-8:00. This is the clip that shows the amulet working and the wishing coming true.

  17. That sounds good to me.

    And when do we want to meet tonight? I have class until about 5:30 or 5:45. What time works for everyone and where do we want to meet?

  18. I agree that the vampires wanting to be human will be a great twist in relation to what the other groups will be doing. Are we going to discuss who does what at the meeting tonight?

  19. Are we going to actually do the work at our meeting tonite or are we doing it after the meeting? I thought we were going to meet up and do it as a whole but i dont mind splitting the work up either, which ever one is better! I just know we present tomorrow so we need to have it done by tonite!

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. So Chris and I are going to take part one and make slides about traditional v nontraditional vampire characteristics and what makes the film great/metafictional techniques.

  22. Just wanted to post the work that I did on my part about the significant elements of this film.

    -the dark night vs. the light day. When the vampires are still vampires the scene is dark. Usually the only time we see the vampires is at night. After they have become human, the scene is day light.
    -The light glowing between moon and amulet show that there is something happening. This added to the scene. It gave us something new to focus on as well.
    -The use of fog as the vampires disappear. Fog makes the scene eerie and mysterious, which is fitting because the vampires are disappearing and we aren't quite sure where they are going.
    - The wind creates anticipation. When the wind is blowing we know that something is about to happen. It is almost like a beginning to action.
    -The placement of vampires vs. Tony vs. humans
    Whistle. When Tony is making the wish, the vampires are in front staring at the moon. The emphasizes that it is there desire. Tony is next behind them because he is friends with Rudolph and his family and is making the wish. The parents are behind because they are part of the scene but do not have any other significant impact, in fact, they are not quite sure what is happening because they do not know the wish.
    -The slow fade out at end of scene give the feeling of a happy ending.
