
Who is the most important character in _Dracula_?

Now that the full cast of characters is assembled, who do you think is the most important character in Dracula, not counting the title character himself?  Each character contributes something unique and necessary to the narrative, but some stand out more than others.  What specific textual evidence lead you to this conclusion?  Be sure to respond to your classmate's posts when making your case.


  1. I think Van Helsing is the most important character is Dracula. Throughout the time when Lucy is sick, it is his advice that drives the characters to be with her at all times and to take all of the necessary precautions necessary to keep her alive. After her death, I believe Van Helsing becomes an even more important character.

    It is clear that many people cared about Lucy a lot, and were sad with her death. However Van Helsing seems to be the character who is most concerned with the reason behind Lucy's death. In chapter XIV he says to Dr. Seward, "Do you mean to tell me, friend John, that you have to suspicious as to what poor Lucy died of; not after all the hints given, not only by events, but by me?" At this point, it is clear that Van Helsing is driving the story forward. Without him, I do not believe the motive in the story would be the same. It is Van Helsing that realized what was really happening and convinced the others of it. It is Van Helsing who guides them in their hunt for Dracula. I think Van Helsing is the most important character because I see him as being central to the plot.

  2. After reading Erica's convincing post and the story itself, I agree that Van Helsing is the most important character in the story besides Dracula himself. In almost every story there's the bad guy and the good guy, and since there is clearly a bad guy with Dracula, the ultimate good guy in this story is Van Helsing. Without him, nobody would have had a clue what was going on with Lucy and it's likely she would have gone on to turn many other people into vampires. Also, they probably never would have believed the story that Harker experienced while in Transylvania and his character would have probably turned out to be considered crazy like Renfield. Van Helsing is the man who is constantly doing all the research and going back and forth between his home and London to figure out what is going on with Lucy so he can inform everybody else. He even goes so far as to risk his life in order to save her after she has become undead. He goes to the churchyard alone to try and set up their trap of garlic and crucifixes and leaves instructions of what to do in case he dies. He says, "Therefore I write this in case...Take the papers that are with this, the diaries of Harker and the rest, and read them, and then find this great Un-Dead, and cut off his head and burn his heart or drive a stake through it, so that the world may rest from him. If it be so, farewell." Clearly he is much more concerned about killing Dracula than about the possibility of his own, which is a very noble characteristic and one that is essential throughout this whole book. Without his knowledge, determination, and leadership, this book would have taken a completely different course.

  3. I think Van Helsing is the most important as well.

    With out Van Helsing, the other characters would be running around like chickens with their heads cut off because they wouldn't know what to do.

    Van Helsing adds so much knowlegde to the plot and has a great presence.

    Have you ever heard of an adaptation of Dracula called "Lucy" or "Mina" ....what about "Van Helsing"?

    He has enough storyline and depth to be the leading man.

  4. I think that Mina is a character that is one who is important. It is as though we are discovering things for the first time with her and her insight helps to further the plot. I love the way she is so reasonable but on the other hand has an open mind to impossible solutions or situations. On page 238 is a good example of this. This is when Mina discovers what took place at Lucy's real death and then we see Mina put the pieces together with Johnathan's strange behavior. I also think that she is a strong female character because she is perceived to have brains and not just beauty. Her bravery when wanting to talk to Renfield was also an importamt part of this novel because it showed her having strength and I think that she is in some ways a foil to Dr.Seward because they are both so logical but yet they are open to suggestive. ideas.

    I also agree with the other posts that there would be no Dracula without Van helsing. You have to have a character that knows about vampires in order to save the day. If no one knew about them there would be no story to tell.

  5. Van Helsing is probably the most important character, because he is always the one to call the others to action. He makes the plans for investigating and countering Dracula and un-dead Lucy. He is the most knowledgeable about vampires and that makes him, earlier in the story, the only character that knows how to identify and deal with vampires. Without him, the other characters probably would not understand what is going on or how to deal with it. He is also very distinct from the others because of the way he speaks. He has the most unique voice in the story and it makes him stand out. Van Helsing is also so brilliant that his intelligence outshines his occasionally broken English. The characters could not have stood up against Dracula without the knowledge and quick action of Van Helsing.

  6. I agree with the first two posts, Van Helsing is by far the most important character besides Dracula himself. Like Kimmy said without Van Helsing everyone would be running around with their heads cut off. Van Helsing is a leader from the moment he arrives in England and joins the quest. Van Helsing is the character that gives the reader as well as the other characters information about vampires. Thorough his direction the characters are able to kill Dracula and help Mina from changing. Van Helsing gives orders to them to protect them the best he can and to prevent Lucy and Mina from praying on others. After Lucy’s death he Seward, “He came back with a handful of wild garlic from the box waiting in the hall, but which had not been opened, and placed the flowers amongst the others on and around the bed. Then he took from around his neck, inside his collar, a little golden crucifix, and placed it over the mouth” (Dracula, 176). This just shows how important Van Helsing was to informing the characters about vampires, because without the others would be completely clueless. This book is really a major president for key traditions and myths that are associated with vampires, thus there needs to be someone who knows what is going on. This person is Van Helsing, that is why he is the most important character.

  7. I agree with the majority of the posts. Van Helsing is an important character. He is by far the most knowledgeable when it comes to vampires. When Dr. Seward is puzzled by Lucy's puncture wounds and blood loss, he sends for Van Helsing because he is confident that he would be able to figure out what is going on with Lucy. Van Helsing displays his knowledge about vampires by being the one to place garlic flowers around Lucy and around her room at night. "he came and himself fixed the wreath of garlic round her neck. The last words he said to her were:-'Take care you do not disturb it; and even if the room feel close, do not tonight open the window or the door'" (142).

    However, although Van Helsing is most definitely an essential character, I believe that Lucy is also of great importance. Lucy is the one to introduce most of the main characters. In chapter V, she describes her three suitors to Mina via letters, and this is how the reader is introduced to these characters and how the reader learns about their backgrounds and personalities. In addition, the only reason that Van Helsing becomes important is because of the things that are happening to Lucy. Finally, Lucy is the first character that we see the full process of becoming a victim of Dracula and becoming a vampire.

  8. I agree with Kala. My first thought as to who was the most important was Mina. There are so many times when she is referred to as being very intelligent and useful to the men. She is a huge help to them when it comes to putting all the information together because it was her idea in the first place to compile everything. At the end, when they are at a standstill as to where Dracula and his box might be, she is the one the takes the initiative to look through all of their information and really narrow in on how Dracula works. She easily figures out exactly where he might be (pg. 373). She takes the time to think through ever possible option and then questions each of them to decide which is most likely. Also, her hypnotic states, her being the one to discover that they were possible is also helpful earlier in the quest to ensure that they are on the right track, nothing is changing, and that they have time to make plans. She may just be a woman, but she is one of the most intelligent, inquisitive and open characters of the book and really helps the men in their ultimate goal. Without her, they never would have put all the things together that they did.

    I also agree that without Van Helsing, there would be no story. He knew what he was doing, fully investigated them and was the leader of the crew, but I believe without Mina's help, they may have ended up at a standstill or on the wrong path, even with a man a smart as Van Helsing.

  9. I agree with Kala, Mina is the most important. One reason that is not relate to the book is that is a woman. I do not like to read books that have no female characters the balance is off. Mina did a wonderful job of creating that balance. From the beginning I think she has a important role because Johnathan is writing the journal with the intention of sharing it with her. If the journal was not written with the intention of her reading it the entries might be different. Also she is a strong character, and I agree with Kala again because she has intelligence. She was not represented as just a object of beauty that is mentioned but not important to the story line. What really like though was she was important character and remain feminine On page245 she wrote in her journal that women have something of mother, that make them rise above the smaller thing. To me this line make her seem really strong because she is saying she knows something are more important than others and it is her job to care for others.

  10. I actually have to agree with Erica and the others, Van Helsing is extremely important to this story.

    He is the one that seems to remain somewhat under control during all this. He is really able to key into what is going on with Lucy, I could only imagine what WOULD have happened to everyone without Van Helsing!

    Van Helsing has a great knowledge of vampires which helps them all on their way and he's able to keep his emotions in check which can be difficult.

    When you think about it Van Helsing is REALLY open-minded, he's able to have confidence in what other people are saying- even if it does sound CRAZY. Then he goes off and researches all the information needed- he should be getting paid a lot to do and deal with all this!!

  11. I agree with all the previous posts which claim Van Helsing to be the most important character in the book. It was with his help that it was possible to get rid of the Dracula.
    Van Helsing being a doctor, philosopher, and meta-physician had a lot of knowledge and was not restricted to medical science. He believed in superstitions and was very knowledgeable about them. On page 229 in the book, there is an example of the wealth of information that Van Helsing acquired during his lifetime. "Before we do anything, let me tell you this; it is out of the lore and experience of the ancients and all those who have studied the powers of the Undead. When they become such, there comes with the change the curse of immortality; they cannot die, but must go on age after age adding new victims and multiplying the evils of the world."
    Van Helsing did not only give remedies to his patients which could be medicinal or some older traditional remedy. He also gave courage to do the right thing. When it was time for Arthur to stake Lucy, Van Helsing encouraged him by saying 'Brave lad! A moments courage, and it is done. this stake must be driven through her.'
    All this makes him the most important character in the novel.

  12. I agree with the others who say Mina is the most important character. I think Mina's faith really highlights a contrasting character compared to Dracula. For example, it's apparent that Dracula is, as most would say, some kind of demonic monster. Therefore, since Dracula is the antagonist throughout the story, Mina's character strongly contrasts Dracula's demonic tendancies with her purity and faith in the good. I wouldn't necessarily call Mina the protagonist, but the choices Stoker made in developing her character are EXTREMELY important to the dynamic of the story.

  13. I also agree with what everyone has said but I think that Van Helsing is the most important character of the story. He provides his patients with the proper care that they need, he is in charge of telling everyone what to do (they would all be lost without his advice. Van Helsing is in love with Lucy but still can muster up the strength to watch her die. This to me makes him the most important character of the story.

  14. I feel like Van Helsing brings a lot to the text, but I feel like Mina is the most important. I feel like she brings the group together. I feel like we hear so much from her perspective and she has been around the tension over Dracula since the begginning of the book. Van Helsing is very knowlegeable, but I feel like they center around her. At the end of the book they race to kill Dracula to stop his killing and also to end his life thereby freeing Mina from becomming just like Lucy.

  15. I think that Van Helsing is a very important role in this story but I really the most important is Mina. I saw that only a few people had said the same but I'm going to have to agree with them. She added something to the story that Dracula and Van Helsing (etc) couldn't. Her faith in the story is something that brings a different light into it. It's good to have a character like Mina for someone like me who doesn't like the very dark characters like Dracula. She's smart and reasonable. Unlike the demonic vibe you get from every other character, you don't get that with Mina

  16. I'd actually have to agree with the majority of the class and say Van Helsing, he is the one keeping everyone together and on the same page! He's the support to keep everyone calm and stay on track of getting their goal done. He also is the only one who is smart enough to come up with a plan that will actually work to kill Dracula!

  17. I'm sorry to say it but i'm going to say Van Helsing. To me he takes on the role of the leader on the mission which they are trying to complete. He's very knowledgeable when he speaks and the things that he tells them. I fell as if, if it were not for him.......the story may have played out completely differently.
